Materials List
So your ready to start building... Great! Below is a list of the materials and items you will need to build, finish and fly the Speed Rex. You should be able to get some of the things from your model shop.

Sheet Balsa: 1 sheet 1/4"x 4"x 36" long medium hard
1 sheet 3/16" x 3" x 36" long medium hard
1 strip 1/4" x 1/8" x 36" spruce strip
scrap piece of 1/16" thk plywood 4" x 4"
scrap piece of 1/32" thk ply 4"x 8"
1 - length of 22swg piano wire (lead outs)
1 - length of 16 swg piano wire (pushrod)
1 - nylon control horn
1 - 2" wide nylon belcrank and bolt nuts and washers to fit (3mm)
1 - piece 1" x 1"x 6" long aluminium angle (from home improvement store)
4 x 3mm bolts nuts and washers - for engine.
1 small tin of clear non- shrinking dope and 1 tin of cellulose thinners
1 - 1/2" wide soft paint brush
1 sheet of sandpaper - medium and fine
coloured fuel proof spray paint to finish (Tamiya range)

Cox 'Babe Bee' .049 glow engine. This little beauty is featured on the Speed Rex PDF and is the one we've used. Comes with an integral fuel tank.
For best results, buy a brand new one from Cox International in Canada or Dens Models in the UK.

Cox .049 Production Engine PT-19 glow motor. Higher performance than the Babe Bee, but you will need a separate fuel tank to run it. Details for connecting the two together are shown on the plan.
Available from Cox International or Dens Models.

Cox Sure Start 049 engine. This Engine was available when the plane was first designed but unfortunately, no longer is. You can however find used versions on eBay. You will need a separate tank to run it. The above engines though are preferable.
Search eBay for used versions of this engine.

Plastic propeller fitted to the front of the motor. Size: 6x3 Available from Cox International, Dens Models Brodak or even eBay

Separate high quality fuel tank used with the Sure Start Cox engine. Cox International Dens Models, Brodak , eBay or your local hobby shop. Be sure to order vinyl or silicon fuel line to connect the tank to the engine.

Cox Kit Accessory Control line package. This is a great way to get started. Almost everything needed to get you to the field! Just fuel, battery box and batteries to add. You can however just buy the bits and pieces you need as you progress with your build.
Available from Cox International

'Laystrate' Stainless steel 1/2A control lines on a reel, complete with end eyelets. lines of either 25 or 30 feet long. Available from Hobbyking, Brodak or hobbystores.co.uk

Control Handle. You hold this while flying the model. It is connected to the flying lines, which are then connected to the model.
Small, light and adjustable. Available from Dens Models, Brodak and Cox International

Battery Box. When fitted with quality AA batteries, the leads are then clipped to the top of the engine just before starting it.
They also do a original Cox starter clip which I've found works the best.
Available from Cox International