Saab J29 – part 4 Fan and stuff

Hello and welcome to part 4! Its all about the engine, fan and other stuff with the model build. There’s a few pics showing the Cox 049 ‘SureStart’ motor with the fan I’m going to use.

I also mentioned getting a Cox Tee Dee 051 in a previous blog post which I’m now planning to use instead. I would like to be able to swap both engines around in the model for testing, but I’m trying to think of a simple way to do this on the engine plate, so it’s a work in progress.

Anyways, as always here are the latest pics 🙂

Cox 049 Sure Start engine. here you can see the fan and also the perspex tube bushing which will be cut down and inserted into the fan shaft opening, which is larger. The hole in the tube is a snug fit around the prop screw. I think i’ll need a longer prop screw though.

another shot. I’m planning to use a spring starter on the motor which will engage the fan when starting.

the 10 bladed fan. I bought this on eBay or something, or maybe Hobbyking; can’t quite remember and it was obviously for use with an electric motor. I haven’t tested this on the Cox yet so it will be interesting how it goes. I’m hoping in the future to make a few more fans with different numbers of blades to see what works best.

in the meantime..the wings. Here are the wings under construction sans, wing root ribs and wing boxes, which have yet to be built. Interestingly, I could only get hard 1/8″ balsa at the time due to a world-wide balsa shortage. Something to do with wind turbines or something…!

Root rib added and super-severe dihedral angle added to it. made a bit of a schoolboy error with cutting the spar too short!

prepping up to make the wing boxes. 1/8″ balsa used for the edges

Here’s the marking out and cutting to take the wing boxes. Took a bit careful cutting to get them right.

and here’s the wings with wing boxes finally cemented in place and wings slid onto the wing tongues. Looks wicked don’t it! 🙂

back down to the Cox motor. This is the 051 Tee Dee motor mentioned earlier with, curiously, a stock Cox glow head attached. It was like this when I bought it from eBay

couple more shots. the motor is mounted on a 1/8″ lite ply plate with a heavy couple coats of fuel proofer. The retaining nuts are soldered to thin bras plate lugs.

 Cox engine positioned on the lower fuselage. working out the gluing location for the engine plate. The fan ring seems really broad in this shot…

lower fuselage finally notched and engine plate glued down. just a tiny bit of  backwards and forwards of the fan ring to do, to get the best position when the fan is fitted. 🙂

coming together!!!

and here are the model halve’s placed together, but not glued yet– just the tail surfaces to be positioned to get the look. Happy so far 🙂 Catch up next time!


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